Outdoorsy Black Women Spotlight: Get To Know LeKeitha

LeKeitha is an outdoor enthusiast, foodie, soccer fanatic and trophy-nominated shower singer who enjoys reading, dancing, and spending time with family and friends. A now empty nester, she lives and works in Birmingham, AL with her husband and travels as often as possible.

Q1. What was your introduction to the outdoors?
I think most people in my generation would confirm that it was a childhood requirement to play outside. I’ve always enjoyed it, especially the park, because it offered wide open spaces and the freedom for independent and unstructured play. Essentially, I have not outgrown that.
Q2. Have you always felt like you belonged or felt safe in outdoor spaces?
This is a simple, but loaded question. I have to admit that I’ve only truly begun to understand that in general, many people of color do not. But yes, I’ve always felt safe and that I’ve belonged, because I’m drawn to outdoor spaces. Usually, the only worries in my mind are: lack of preparation, waning stamina, dehydration or getting lost.

Q3. How has the outdoors changed your life?
As I’ve gotten older, I’m able to fully connect and feel more in tune with nature.
Q4. What are some of your favorite outdoor activities?
kayak, fish, hike, take pictures, watch animals and collect rocks

Q5. Any outdoorsy goals for the future?
a) Short-term: attend Wine & Waterfalls Weekend. I chose the Glamp option because I want to enjoy sleeping outside again. I’d made up my mind that I’d never do it again after the military
b) New: not limit myself to visiting places just in the warm weather months
c) Long-term/Lifetime: to visit as many State and National parks that I can
Q6. What have been your best accomplishments in the outdoors?
Learning to surf, driving around Lake Tahoe and across Yosemite in two days and becoming less afraid of bugs LOL!

Q7. What does being an Outdoorsy Black Woman mean to you?
I’ve found My People!!! I literally don’t have one sister-friend or family member who enjoys the outdoors.
I don’t even remember how I heard about Outdoorsy Black Women, but I’m so glad I did.
Q8. What does having a community like Outdoorsy Black Women mean to you?
Finally having the love of the outdoors in common with other Black women, to learn from and be inspired by people who look like me.

Q9. What advice do you have for anyone that’s new to the outdoor world?
Let it embrace you. Your experience doesn’t have to be like anyone else’s. Give a few things a try to see if they suit you. Who knows? Your next Zen, passion or untapped talent could be waiting for you – outdoors. Also, find someone in the community who is already doing something you’re interested in and strike up a conversation.

Q10. What’s your must see outdoor destination?
Right now, that’s still a bit of a secret, but I hope you’ll follow me on IG @the.goldenadventure as I count down the days to a totally outdoorsy adventure for my 50th birthday!
You can also add her as a friend on Outdoorsy Black Women @the.goldenadventure
Thank you @OutdoorsyBlackWomen for this feature that allows me introduce myself to the community!
Everyone, please feel free to ask questions. I’d love to chat with and get to know more of you!
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I love seeing Black women thrive outside! Thanks for sharing your story.