Preparing Your Camper Van For Renovations – My Camper Van’s Before Pics

Now that I have all of the mechanical and rv inspections done it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty lol. I was ready to tackle renovations but my camper van needed a deep clean. While that may seem like a simple thing to do, I live in an apartment.
Some apartments have access to outlets and a hose but not mine. After wracking my brain trying to find a solution, I finally settled on hiring a mobile detail company.
I love the idea of hiring a mobile detail for my camper van because it lets me know that while I’m on the road that’s an option I can be on the lookout for. I won’t hire someone to clean her all the time, but if I want to do a quarterly deep clean it’s not a bad idea.
The company I found in Atlanta had a pretty thorough list of options that covered the interior and exterior. Since I knew I would be doing repairs to the exterior soon, I opted to only clean the interior. Check out the list of options below.
Thorough Hand Wash Black Streaks Removed Roof Carefully Cleaned Bug, Tar, & Mild Sap Removal Rims / Tires / Cleaned & Dressed Chamois Dried Wipe and Degrease Door Jambs Chrome Polished Cleaner Wax W/ Carnauba Wax Applied |
Complete Interior Vacuum Heated Shampooing of Carpets / Seat Upholstery Interior compartments cleaned Headliner Cleaned Interior Plastic / Vinyl Cleaned and Dressed Leather Cleaned and Conditioned Cleaning of all Mirrors and Windows Interior Air Freshener Head Cleaned (if app) |
The guy did a pretty good job of cleaning her up. Now you can take a look at what she looked like before any work was done, but AFTER a thorough clean up… if you need a comparison for how dirty the carpet was you can see it here in the listing lol.
Have Some Tips And Tricks For Cleaning Your Camper Van?
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