How The Strength Of Beyonce Is Helping Me Prepare For My Van Life Adventure!

Who Run The World? Girls… and of course, Beyonce, lol. Now that I’ve chosen a date for when I begin van life, everything feels so real. It occurred to me just how much I would actually be doing on the road by myself. But hey, when life gives you lemons… you make Lemonade.
Anyone that knows me has seen me spend quite a lot of time alone anyway and I’m not Scared of Lonely. There’s a Freedom in liking your own company. I’d gone to the movies alone, sporting events alone and restaurants with Me, Myself and I. But I’d never been to a concert alone. When I think about what I want my van life journey to entail, I’ve considered attending concerts and possibly festivals. So, I realized I needed a practice run. What better artist to start with than the Queen herself, Beyonce. Yeah I said that, I ain’t Sorry.
My friends are Irreplaceable but this time around we all had different plans for seeing the On The Run II tour, some in different states and some got tickets for the day before my show. I realized early on that this was something I was meant to do solo.

There’s something magical about going to a Beyonce concert, the hive is ready to get in Formation and strangers can become friends quite easily as we bond over great music and fun. The night before the concert I was plagued with anxiety, the idea of riding Marta and having to find my way through a sea of people Haunted me. But once I made it to the Mercedes Benz Stadium’s Marta Station, I actually made friends with 2 sisters from Zambia who were also on their way to the concert.
With a quick Hello and confirmation that we were taking the right Marta, we just clicked. As a woman of faith I knew God would Work It Out and upon meeting these lovely ladies, Chisha and Noks, I knew that this night was going to be Flawless.
Once we made it in, we grabbed some dinner and drinks and just got to know each other – there wasn’t an Ego amongst us, just 3 women having a fun. After a great time of female camaraderie, we had to part ways because we were sitting in different sections. We took a pic and exchanged numbers and plan to do lunch.

At this point I was feeling like the Diva I am, Bootylicious and ready to dance and SANG All Night. The show started off with Chloe x Halle, they are both super talented and I can’t wait to see how their music grows over time. Next, DJ Khaled came out and got us all hyped. He treated us to a myriad of guests – Jamie Foxx, Lil Duval, Cee-Lo Green, Big Boi, Killer Mike, Jeezy, Neyo and August Alsina. As if getting to see Jay Z and Beyonce wasn’t enough already, lol. By the end of this set we were ready to Listen to The Carters.
This was my first time seeing Beyonce live, but I had just went to Jay Z’s 4:44 concert last November, so I wasn’t sure if it would feel like a bit of Deja Vu when it came to his parts. Once the show started I was in awe, Beyonce and Jay Z have made so much music separately, but it’s also quite impressive how much music they’ve made together. This show was a tribute to their life and love, Flaws and All. There really aren’t enough great things I can say about how they were able to mesh their musical stylings so well. It’s really hard to pick a favorite part, but I LOVED hearing Beyonce perform Resentment live… whew, chills. This was exactly what I needed to keep me motivated for this next chapter of my life. I’ve been working so hard to start my van life. With all the saving/cutting back it’s easy to forget why you’re doing this. For me it’s about freedom, exploration and just enjoying my life.
Check Out My IG Story From Beyonce and Jay Z’s OTRII Concert (some parts have sound)
I know I haven’t started the travel part of my van life journey yet, but the preparation is just as important. There’s an emotional side to making this lifestyle change that needs to be considered, too. All I can say is my first solo concert was a complete success. Beyonce reminded me that I’m a World Wide Woman! I can’t wait to share more of my experiences with you all.
As for the On The Run II tour, Beyonce and Jay Z both left me Speechless by the end of the night. It was basically like a huge Party and such a treat to be able to see both these talented artists do what they obviously still love.
For now, I’ll move Forward as my van life Countdown continues 😉
Do You Have Your Own Beyonce or Jay Z Story To Share?
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