Black Nomads Meet Event Recap 2021

The Black Nomads Event of 2021 was created to unite and celebrate the black nomadic community through workshops, group activities, vendors, and community-building events. Kadedra Holmes the founder of the Black Nomads Meet community has always dreamed of bringing black people together for greatness and this weekend was the coming together of that dream.
Now personally BNM and groups like it are a dream come true for the preteen in me. Black people doing things, I was always told Black people didn’t or shouldn’t do. The BNM Instagram page was a gateway to a growing list of communities of color providing space in niche areas: Diversity Van life, Outdoorsy Black women, just to name a couple.

I pulled into the black-owned Warthen Rv park and headed to the ticket stand. There I saw the 7 women I worked alongside for months to make the following days possible. We began to introduce ourselves because we worked 100% virtually to organize this event and had never met in person before! After introductions, it was time to get to work!
On top of the events, we had planned The RV park also had access to ATVs and a scenic trail that guests were already having a great time with.
At 7 pm Friday we gathered the guests into the open field directly behind the park’s pavilion. Queen Tasha the entertainment organizer gave an introduction of the team, and an outline for the weekend.
Afterward the group fell into the vibes of our sunset social. Walking around you would hear bursts of laughter erupt every few vans. Conversations that started with similar warmth and curiosity. ‘Where did you drive in from and where are you going?’ ‘Really?! My family is from there!’
Although the first day was only a few hours it contained one of the most powerful moments of the entire event for me. The sun had set and a fire was started. One after another other nomads began to grow the circle. We all shared what brought us to this life. If I had to pick the most common theme shared around the circle it was ‘I was sick and tired of it’
I silently chuckled at the looks of disgust each person had as they shared their thoughts on rent and 9-5 work. The financial frustrations, and not being able to move around life as they pleased, made the group young and old say ‘ENOUGH!’

Speaking of finances, On Saturday afternoon a panel was set up to discuss ‘How do you Make Money on the road’. It is a common question and several BNM members lead the workshop discussing their different forms of making money. Following the panel, the presentation ‘Zero waste on the road’ was shared and a discussion on how to decrease the negative impact we can have on our planet.
I headed towards the large tree in the field to check in on our workshops that were being hosted Saturday and Sunday. Khalid, a fantastic artist walked nomads through everyday creativity in his workshop ‘painting in the moment.

Jo and Om – breathwork guides provided a healing experience and unity through breath. Across the field, a child shrieked with laughter as a few of them took over the playscape. Seeing black people going about their day and activities unmolested was a gift. The weekend was starting to remind me of a lot of family BBQs growing up.
One thing that was definitely not at my childhood cookouts was a full vegan menu! Saturday evening dinner was served. The majority of team members are plant-based so a delicious Jackfruit BBQ sandwich with several sides was served.
All weekend people happily toured and gave tours of their homes. Karaoke, spoken word, dancing, and creating a community mural were all reasons why Sunday – the end of the event came too soon. Several van lifers decided to travel to new places together after the event prolonging the family reunion vibes.
After this year and life constantly reminding us of where we belong and what we should be doing I know we needed this event and fellowship. I can’t wait to see you all next year!
This year’s Workshops:
Unity through Breath Workshop: @jomonthego
Painting in the Moment Workshop: @khalid_thompson
Digital Nomad Career Panel:
Zero-waste on the road Workshop: @queentashasempire
Special activity: REIKI with @justhealwithjo – You can join the Just Heal With Jo group here.
Behind the scenes team
Jasmine @heyjasminej (Graphic Designer)⠀⠀⠀
QueenTasha @queentashasempire ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Antoinette @antoinetteyvonne (Logistics Organizer)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Renee @rnrvisuals (Graphic Designer)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Adrienne @datgreenlyfetv_adrienne_imani (Volunteer Organizer)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Lucretia @houseoflukaya (Vendor Organizer)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Kayla @thedaileycraze (Administrative Assistant)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀